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Collective Body Scan-Current Physical Symptoms-July 19'th

I've been guided to do a last minute Body Scan of the Collective for everyone tonight, because there are many of you up worrying and stressing over your health, including all of the new and unusual physical symptoms that have been consuming your thoughts. Your ego is trying to convince you that something is terribly wrong with you, but this is what energy clearing and ascension looks and feels like! You are not dying, or suddenly ill, your physical body is coming online to match your ever-expanding consciousness. Welcome to your journey home! I am here to remind you that you are safe and not alone in what you are going through. Sleep well.

Please be aware that my messages may or may not resonate with you at this moment in time, as we all are individually experiencing different levels of consciousness currently. Perhaps at some point, the messages expressed here will apply to you, so I recommend keeping an open mind moving forward and if it does not feel right in your heart, body and soul, do store this information away for now and revisit it in the future.

When you stand in your own sovereign power, dancing to the beat of your own drum, you will learn that any external resources provided to you, (whether it be from another human or channeled from higher realms) are shared for guidance purposes only.

Ultimately, you are the creator and expert of your own reality.

The following message is relayed to you at this time to bring comfort and support. However, your number one priority is always your own health and well-being; if you are ever in doubt about what you are going through, it is important to always get checked out by a medical professional first. If you are cleared medically, and continue to experience a range of bizarre and uncomfortable physical and mental/emotional symptoms, congratulations you have embarked on your ascension journey!

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