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Energy Update-Find Your Inner Calm

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

Energies have been hitting many of us hard today. The intensity of it all, gives us few breaks and breathing room. Here are some beautiful visuals to help refocus your mind on being present and IN your body, instead of worrying about the constant and strong physical, mental and emotional symptoms occurring in so many of us! The stunning Rainbow Aura Agate is on the left and the right is an Aquamarine geode. Both have very calming properties to them.

If your inner vibrations feel intense today, try grounding your energy to mother earth and going for a nature walk. Shift your thoughts of worry and anxiety to, I am safe in my body. Your body is not only extremely strong, supporting you each step of the way, but it also knows exactly what it is doing in order for you to bring more energy into your body, as your consciousness expands.

Photo Credit: The Dream Den Crystal Boutique & Artisanal Wall Hangings

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